St. Augustine Wedding Photographers - Styled Magazine Shoot
Monarch Studio's photographer D. Walters captures style wedding for bridal magazine.
Click to Play Video above. Premier Bride of Northeast Florida teamed up with over 35 of the area's top wedding professionals to create a "Rock N Roll" fashion and decor photo shoot. The location was The Glass Factory in Jacksonville FL. Check us out online at or for more information and to view the finished magazine spread!
St. Augustine Wedding Photographers Magazine
Monarch Photography Studio had the opportunity to photograph for Premier Bride Rock N Roll Fashion and Decor Magazine Edition. With Monarch Studio's team of experience, they were able to handle both photographing the fashion and portraits as well as all the elaborate decor/tables simultaneously. David and Julie Walters worked well to focus on capturing the models and showing off the dresses of the individual models. While Scott Smith's commercial product experience allowed him to photograph all of the decor settings each needing a different lighting and look. Check out all the images below. And enjoy a short behind the scenes movie of the entire day below!
Jacksonville Bridal Magazine - Cover Image / D. Walters
Monarch Photography Studio / D. Walters

Amazing Wedding Details & Decor
Monarch Studio can create any mood with professional light / S. Smith
Monarch Studio / S. Smith
Monarch Studio - Professional Wedding Photographers
If you are interested in having Monarch Photography Studio be your wedding photographers, contact us today to discuss the possibilities.
Second Time Around / Magazine Photographers
This is the second time around that a Monarch Studio photographer has worked at capturing their theme and cover. Zach Thomas' work previously graced the cover of the Premiere Magazine Winter / Spring of 2015, topping the charts at being one of the most popular cover photos e